Thursday 11 April 2019

Climate Emergency

All over the country councils are declaring a Climate Emergency in response to the recent school strikes and protests such as the Extinction Rebellion movement.
Herefordshire have also done this, though it's unclear how serious they are about alleviating climate change in view of their continued support for a bypass. (Hereford Highways Dept. have planted two trees in the middle of Hereford's Commercial Street....).

In Hay, the Town Council declared a climate emergency at this month's regular council meeting. They were already moving in that direction by forming a Low Carbon Group to see what they could do locally, and they will be setting out their aspirations and action plan over the next six months.

On Wednesday 17th April, there will be a public meeting at the Globe at 7pm. It has been organised by the Hay and Talgarth Labour Party. There will be three speakers.
Rose Lynas, aged 12, organised the Hay School Strike.
Mike Thompson, physicist and lecturer (retired) at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth and researcher in climate change will talk about carbon sequestration - he spoke recently at the Science Group in the Swan.
Dr Lynne Jones is a former MP for Birmingham Selly Oak, scientist and environmentalist (retired). She will talk about the political aspects of climate change.
Admission will be free, but there will be a collection to cover expenses.

The contact for further information is Sean O'Donoghue, at
Sean is very active locally - as well as the Labour party, he's involved in the Hay, Brecon and Talgarth Sanctuary for Refugees group, and he's also part of a Rewilding Group that meets occasionally at Shepherds.

And while thinking about climate change and what we can do about it locally, there has been some talk about setting up a local Extinction Rebellion group - there's already an active one in Hereford, which meets at De Koffie Pot.

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