Sunday 26 January 2020

Real Ale Vouchers

My membership renewal for CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale, came through the other day.
For the past few years, included in the package have been a number of vouchers that give a discount in Wetherspoons. I haven't been using them, because I refuse to set foot in Wetherspoons.
This year, though, the format has changed, and the vouchers can be used more widely.
I looked it up on the CAMRA website, and sadly, no pubs in Hay are included in the scheme - nor are they included in the discount scheme where you show your CAMRA membership card.
In Hereford, however, I can now use my vouchers at the Imperial in the middle of town. I sometimes go in there already for a swift half while I'm shopping, so I'll certainly be using my vouchers in there this year.
[Updated to add: I went into the Imperial with my beer vouchers the last time I was in Hereford, and none of the bar staff knew anything about the scheme - so I'll have to find somewhere else to use them]
On the edge of Hereford just outside the ring road the Beer in Hand is part of the membership card discount scheme, and I've occasionally been in there when I'm at that end of town.
If I ever go into Brecon, there are two pubs that take the vouchers. One is the George, sadly now a Wetherspoons, so I won't be going in there, and the other is the Wellington. However, a friend has suggested that the best pubs to try in Brecon are the Brecon Tap and the Sarah Siddons. I've been in the Brecon Tap before, and liked it, so I must try the Sarah Siddons on this recommendation next time I head for Brecon.

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