Friday 3 January 2020

The Rise of Skywalker (with Spoilers)

I went to the first showing of The Rise of Skywalker this afternoon, at the Bookshop Cinema. As I said to Haydn behind the bar, I was there for the very first Star Wars film, and here I was for the last of the nine films. So I was slightly apprehensive - this was something I'd loved since I was 16. Could they really bring it to a satisfactory conclusion?
The cinema was about half full, and the first couple of rows were pretty much all kids - who were very quiet. At one point, I found myself saying a line along with a character, and realised the rest of the audience were completely silent....
There was a lot to pack in to this movie, to finish off the latest trilogy, and also all 9 of the main Star Wars films, so it hit the ground running and didn't slow down.
It was also supposed to be the farewell to Carrie Fisher, but they couldn't do that after her untimely death, so we just got a few scenes written around footage of her that they already had.
I knew Lando Calrissian turned up, having seen him in the trailers, but I wasn't expecting Han or Luke. It was nice to see them again, really for the last time - but the sort-of-redemption of Kylo Ren seemed to happen much too easily. And I choose to believe that he and the Emperor were lying to Rey about her ancestry. It was also a great pity that Rose Tico got so little to do.
I did like the explanation for the cavalry charge (well, they were supposed to be something other than horses, but still....), and I laughed when Chewie finally got his medal - and the blowing up of the transporter was a clear tip of the fedora to the first Indiana Jones movie, where Indy thought Marion had been killed.
So, I thought it was a good film, with a lot of work to do to tie up all the loose ends, and I also think it missed the target some of the time.
When I came out, there were already people queuing for the second showing.

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