Tuesday 15 November 2022


 I'm sorry I missed today's U3A talk - it was Denise Darbyshire on The Wonder that was Syria.  A few years ago now, there was a day trip to Oxford organised by the Local History society, where Denise gave us a private viewing of some of the artefacts at the Ashmolean Museum, where she is a curator, and in the afternoon guided us around the exhibition - I forget the title, but it was all about religions re-using the statues and artefacts of the religions that had gone before, and it was totally fascinating.

U3A meet once a month in the Music Room at Baskerville Hall, which is a beautiful space, with coffee served from 10am and lunch from 12.15.  Admission is £5 for members and £7 for non-members.

They have a website at https://u3asites.org.uk/hay/welcome

and they're holding their Christmas Lunch on Tuesday 13th December, also at Baskerville Hall.

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