Monday 16 January 2023

New Bus Timetable

 I first discovered that the T14 bus timetable had changed from a regular visitor to Hay from Peterchurch - who had found out the hard way by missing the bus that she usually took.  As ever, the paper signs at the actual bus stops are the last thing to get changed, and when I passed by the Hay bus stop the old timetable was still there.

It seems that everything has been shunted earlier.  For instance, when I need to go into Hereford I have been getting the 10.35am service to Hereford and getting the 13.55 service back.  The times are now 9.43 from Hay (departing at 9.50 - there's usually a short wait there as a bit of slack in the system, in case a bus is held up for any reason), and returning from Hereford at 13.10.  The bus after that is at 16.20, so if I hadn't known, that would have been a very long wait for the next bus.

The first bus of the day from Hay is to Hereford at 6.57 (leaving at 7.03), and from Hay to Brecon at 7.42.

The last bus of the day from Hay is 16.42 to Hereford, and 18.58 to Brecon.

So if you want to get to Hereford after 16.42, you've had it.  I've seen several customers at the Cinema Bookshop caught out by the early finish to the bus services over the years - and getting a taxi to Hereford is very expensive.

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