Monday 10 June 2024

Busy Saturday

 There's a lot happening on Saturday 15th June.

The Globe is holding a Well Being and Craft Fair during the day, and North Books has a talk at 4pm.  Richard King is in conversation with Jude Rogers about his new book Travels over Feeling, which is a biography of musician Arthur Russell.  The talk is free and is part of the Independant Bookshop Week celebrations.

Also at the Globe, on Thursday 13th June at 6.30pm, there's a new regular event called Burgers and Board Games.  Have a burger at the restaurant, and either bring your own board game or play one that is already provided.

Update: Not such a busy Saturday after all - the Well Being and Craft Fair has had the date changed to 6th July.  This is to co-incide with Hay Pride Day, and will be raising money for Hay Pride.  Also at the Globe on that day, people will be gathering for the Pride procession through town at 11.30am, and there will be a DJ in the evening to round the celebrations off.

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