Wednesday 26 June 2024

Morris Dancers

 It was about 9.30pm last night when I heard the accordian.  I looked out of my window to see Foxwhelp Morris dancers performing at the Clock Tower.  (I did take a photo, but it was horrendously blurry).

They did one dance with hankies and two dances with sticks, and finished off at about 10pm.

Before that they had been dancing round the town - in front of Kilvert's and in the Town Square, so they must have been a bit tired by the time they got to the Clock Tower.  

It was a hot evening, and it would have been far too hot to dance during the day!

While they were dancing, a vintage car drove past - it was a maroon open top car, maybe from the 1930s?  I don't know what make it was because I was viewing it from above!

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