Saturday 22 June 2024

U-turn for the Warren

Over the past couple of years, there has been an application for the River Wye at the Warren to be granted bathing water status, which would mean that the water has to be tested regularly for pollution.  Just recently, the final decision was made by the Welsh government to refuse bathing status for the Warren, which was a great disappointment to the people who had been working hard to try to make it happen.

However, the decision has now been reversed, and the Warren will be granted bathing status after all.

This means that the water in the river will be regularly tested, and swimmers and other users of the river will be informed if there are any issues.  The Welsh government will also have to take steps to deal with any pollution problems that arise.

There are still concerns that the numbers of people using the Warren may have an impact on wildlife in the area - but pollution in the river also has a negative impact on wildlife, and the new status for the area will hopefully improve matters.

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