Wednesday 12 June 2024

Interesting Customers

 One of the fun things about working in a bookshop is that you meet such interesting people, though I'd already seen the first couple I met this morning wandering around town last night, looking for a place to eat.  Tomatitos was packed out, so I suggested the Three Tuns.  This morning they said they'd had an excellent meal there.

Then there were the ladies on a coach trip who wanted directions to St Mary's Church.  They live with a lady (I think it must be some sort of sheltered accommodation) who used to live in Hay, and she had been telling them all about Father Richard, who has just retired.  "She says that he plays the organ for horror films, in the church!" they said, which is absolutely true - his events at Hay Festival this year were sold out again.  So they wanted to see where he played, and the wonderful organ in the church.  And it turned out that I know the lady who had told them about this, from the time when she lived in Hay - in fact, I met her last week in the town square when she was making a return visit here.

Another lady on the same coach trip bought a book on making rag rugs by Jenni Stuart-Anderson.  I learned to make rag rugs at one of her workshops in Hay, so we had a nice chat about that.


Anonymous said...

Hi, we met at the Hay Festival but I lost your email address and I am not sure how else to contact you! We are holding an event in Hay-On-Wye about the river wye pollution which we would love for your blog to be involved with if you are willing. You can reach me at: co'

Best wishes,

Celine - Leigh Day

Eigon said...

Thanks for getting in touch - I'll be pleased to go along.