Friday 6 June 2008

I Love Living in a Community!

Last night, I was walking Islay when we met a lady with her two dogs, who are Islay's friends. We got talking, and she happened to notice the green tights I was wearing (the ones I got to go to the Fairy Party earlier this year). She said she had a few pairs similar to them going begging, and would I like them? I was very pleased to accept (I'm fairly hard on tights - they don't last too long when I'm wearing them), and she was glad to get rid of them.
This morning, I was having breakfast with the door open when a neighbour came round to lend me a book. "I was up until 1am reading this," he said, "and I thought it was right up your street!" It's Hannibal, the Novel, by Ross Leckie, and we have had some interesting discussions about Greek and Roman history before, so he was right to think I'd be interested.
A little later, another neighbour was passing. "I've got three pots of mint that I don't want. Would you like one?"
So he came up a little later on, with the pot in his little wheelbarrow, and I now have another pot outside my front window, with a different sort of mint, strawberries, a purple cow parsley called Raven's Wing, and a basket of cyclamen and ivy leaved toadflax.
As I was going up Belmont Road to work, another friend pulled over in her car. "Are you doing the short story competition?" she asked.
I said I wasn't - because the theme is Deception "and I'm not really a decieving type of person."
She chuckled. "That would make a good first line," she said. "And if you win, remember to give me the kudos!"

All this in one evening and morning - I love Hay!

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