Wednesday 16 September 2009

State Execution

The plans to chop the head off Hay's King proceed apace.
Tim the Gardener has sculpted a brilliant likeness of Richard Booth, and has been provided with Jacob's sheep fleece for the hair and some thick rimmed glasses to finish it off - and a gold crown out of a cracker. There will, of course, be a body double for the King at the execution, holding the sculpted head. The King himself was invited, but had already booked a holiday in Spain.
The final details of the procession of the prisoner to the place of execution were discussed (that's the Buttermarket on Sunday 27th Sept, the procession starting at 1pm). We have costume, we have the Sealed Knot (with better costume), we have flags, we have a big axe. And there's a beer festival on at Kilvert's.
It's going to be a bit of fun!

I know there are people around town who disagree with the execution, and feel rather sorry for the King, but he did say himself, in a phone call to Paul, the Lord Protector "It's all publicity for Hay, isn't it?" Which is the point - and he doesn't seem terribly upset about it.


Anonymous said...

Long live the king!

An American Monarchist

Kilverts said...

More details on the Kilvert's beer festival found at:


Thomas Paine said...

"...monarchy and succession have laid (not this or that kingdom only) but the world in blood and ashes. 'Tis a form of government which the word of God bears testimony against, and blood will attend it." (Philadelphia, 1776)

Anonymous said...

well, what do you expect? TP was an Irishman!!


Eigon said...

I thought he was from East Anglia!

First Minister in the Council of State said...

Should I find there to be no Irish man or woman attending in any capacity to our Council, then I shall make full amendment by recruiting a son or daughter of that noble race to our cause; unlike our detractors, being of noble heart and likely sound education, he or she shall not suffer in public standing from making such idle falsifications.

The Loyalist Royalist said...

You traitors! Be damned and off with YOUR heads!