Saturday 18 July 2009

A-frame Sign Boards

In the middle of Broad Street, there's a T-junction leading down to the bridge, and Clyro. Opposite the opening, there's an old horse trough full of flowers, and some sign boards. Any car coming in from Clyro pretty much has to stop at that junction, so I suppose the reasoning is that they will notice the signs there. Open Door were the first to put a sign there, tied to the lamp post, but they only put it up when they're open, and take it down at night.
Today, there were two boards there, for the horse equipment place just outside Hay on the road to Clifford, and for the Globe. They'd been stacked to one side, and a small note had been put on both of them, with a message to the effect that local people were tired of having the boards there, and if they weren't moved by the owners, the residents would do it for them. "This is the street where we live - not a noticeboard for local businesses," it says.
It was signed "The Residents of Broad Street."
Well, some of them - nobody asked me for my opinion!
And now I think about it, I can see both sides of the arguement. The boards have never particularly bothered me, but they are cluttering the footpath up and I can see that some people would get fed up of having them there.


First Minister in the Council of State said...

Painful is the proliferation in Hay of car and lorry drivers exercising their horns, especially along Broad Street, much of the noise being generated for no good reason. We can now add those who are waiting impatiently behind drivers who've stopped to take in all that new information. I sit here all day listening to cars coming from Clyro, beeping like crazy behind other cars taking their time in turning. More noise, more pain. Broad Street at certain times of the day is beginning to resemble a feeder road to any modern industrial site, and the problems of aggressive modern driving are only part of it.

Anonymous said...

I see all the signs have gone now (22nd July). Like Lesley, I see both sides of the argument, but I just wonder if it had anything to do with the house for sale (privately). Hmmmm?

Eigon said...

Actually, I don't think the house for sale does have anything to do with it - since the sign she put up on the horse trough has been taken down too.