Tuesday 26 December 2023

Christmas Trees at Cusop Church

 The weather wasn't brilliant, but I set out on my traditional Christmas Day walk anyway.

I usually head up Cusop Dingle, and this time I noticed belatedly that there was a Christmas Tree Exhibition at Cusop Church.

There are seven trees in the church, all beautifully decorated, but it was a bit dim in there for me to take any photos.

Outside in the churchyard there had been some changes since I last visited:

I thought this was a lovely idea - it's just outside the main door, under the yew trees.

They've also put in some information boards along the path to the lych gate.  They've been mowing the churchyard to encourage wildlife, and one board showed the sorts of wild flowers in the churchyard, and the other was for animals and birds.  Then, nearest the gate, was a historical information board for the church, and features like William Seward's grave (he was the Methodist martyr who was stoned to death on Black Lion Green in Hay).  There's a booklet about him available in the church, too.

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