Friday 8 December 2023

Hay Madrigals

 One of the many musical events in Hay in the run up to Christmas is this candlelit concert on Saturday 16th December from 3.30pm.  Tickets are £10 on the door of St Mary's Church.

After opening organ music by Father Richard, there will be a variety of music by Buxtehude, Schutz and Perti (who I'm completely unfamiliar with), Telemann (who I have at least heard of!) and medieval carols.  I do like the style of music that Hay Madrigals perform, so I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever they choose to sing.

The concert will be followed by homemade seasonal cakes, tea, coffee and wine.


Anonymous said...

Hi Eigon,
This is a bit of a random comment, but I thought I’d just mention how much I appreciate your blog. I lived in Hay for a little while some years ago and miss it dearly. It’s so lovely to be able to read your blog and feel like I’m back there for a moment!

Eigon said...

Thank you so much!