Saturday 24 April 2010

"High in Fibre...

...low in calories, and very good for the soul."
That was the slogan over one of the stalls at Wonderwool this year.
I had a great time again, thanks to Tracy for giving me the lift there, and Shelley for the pass.
In previous years, I've concentrated very much on things I can use in re-enactment - so wool rather than alpaca (hasn't been discovered yet) and nothing plastic! This year, I'm not doing any re-enactment because poor Islay can't camp out any more - so I could look at anything and not think "But it hasn't been invented yet!"
I've had my eye on a tri-loom for some time, and this year, I could justify buying one, from Hazel Rose Looms. It's basically a triangular wooden frame with nails banged into it, but the beauty of it is that you start weaving at once, unlike proper looms which need hours of preparation before you even start. (Well, maybe not hours, but certainly a long time).
Last year, there were some alpacas at Wonderwool. There were only sheep, of various varieties, this year, but I got chatting to the plant lady in Hay when I got back (she has the plants outside Monica's) and she said that they've discovered that alpacas can get the same sort of TB that cattle get, so movements have been restricted until they decide what to do about it.
The name of one stall rang a bell - Freyalyn's Fibres. I follow a blog called Freyalyn's Thoughts, and when I saw the little tattoo of a horse on the lady's shoulder, I knew it was the same person. "Ooh, I've got a stalker!" she laughed, when I introduced myself, because I've never actually made a comment on her blog, so she would have no idea I was reading it.
And finally, a word about the toilets. Nice and clean, but all the doors creaked like the entrance to Vincent Price's crypt, and the one I chose had no bolt on the door!

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