Monday 26 April 2010

More Memories of the Cinema

A chap came into the Cinema last week, who told me that his dad had played the drums in the dance band that used to play there.
He said that his most vivid memory of those days was breaking up a fight!
One night, when the dance band was playing, his brother was there with his girlfriend, and they got into some sort of arguement with another chap. My informant said he was outside in the foyer, chatting to the girl in the kiosk - it wasn't a desk then. His brother and the other chap came out of the main hall, and his brother was about to take a swing at the other man. My informant grabbed his brother, ran him to the front door, and threw him down the steps! (The steps went right across the front of the building in those days.)
"He didn't want to fight after that!" said my informant, with some satisfaction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothings changed much then, lads are lads through the ages!!