Thursday 28 May 2015

Music at Baskerville Hall

British lions on a stall in the market this morning.

Last night, we arrived at Baskerville Hall in daylight for a change, and so we noticed the stump of the great cedar in the garden, which collapsed a few years ago, has been carved beautifully, with a howling wolf made from one limb, and an eagle in flight on another.
Inside, Moriarty's Bar was full, and everyone was having fun. We met the chap who owns the Sitting Room Gallery near the Clock Tower. He'd been in the bar a few days before, and Cally behind the bar told him he should come on a Wednesday evening. He was delighted - he said he'd never seen an evening like it. I think he's going to come again.
The Canadian lady came again, with her friend, and showed her sketch book round to the people she was drawing last week. She's added water colour to the pictures, too, and she was doing more sketching over the evening.
There was a couple from Warrington there, too, who came last year - they've been staying at the Baskerville over the Festival for the past seven years. The lady sings with a jazz choir, but said she didn't sing solo. She remembered Paul and his giant bass guitar, which he made himself, from last year.
Bob brought his home made banjo in for everyone to admire, this time, and there was another banjo player, who Bob introduced as the fastest player in the universe!
As it was the Festival, I did Joyce Grenfell's The Writer of Children's Books, which seemed to go down well, and I sang until my voice cracked! I needed to belt out the songs a bit, because of the noise in the bar, but it was nice that everyone quietened down for me.

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